BhFK 95 (Bauhund Fuchs Kunstbau) – Working test on fox in a artificial den setting without actual contact. The dog is supposed to find the fox and bark at it.
BhFN (Bauhund Fuchs Naturbau) – Certificate for working a fox on a hunt in a artificial or natural setting.
BhN (Bauhund Naturbau) – Certificate for working quarry on a hunt in a artificial or natural setting. The species is specified by a additional letter (F – fox, D – badger, M – racoon dog, W – racoon)
Sp (Spurlautprüfung) – Test for the ability to work a warm hare scent voicing (without seeing the hare).
SchwhK (Schweissprüfung auf künstlicher Wundfährte) – Blood tracking test with game blood, 1000m and 20h old
SchwhKF (Schweissprüfung auf künstlicher Wundfährte mit Fährtenschuh) – Hoof shoe tracking test, 1000m and 20h old
SchwhK/40 (erschwerte Schweissprüfung) – Blood tracking test with game blood, 1000m and 40h old
SchwhN (Schweissarbeit auf natürlicher Wundfährte) – Blood tracking on a natural track, minimum of 400 meters
St (Stöberprüfung) – Working test for flushing game, with obedience part
StiJ (Stöberprüfung im Jagdbetrieb) – Certificate for flushing game during a real hunt
Vp (Vielseitigkeitsprüfung) – Versatility test with blood tracking, flushing game, voicing on scent and obedience
VpoSp (Vielseitigkeitsprüfung ohne Spurlaut) – Versatility test with blood tracking, flushing game, and obedience
KSchlH (Kaninchenschleppe-Herausziehen) – Working test for miniature Teckels, pulling out a dead rabbit from a den
KSpN (Kaninchensprengen-Natur) – Certificate for miniature Teckels for working a rabbit during a den hunt
Was (Waldsuche) – Working test for flushing game in close range to the handler, with obedience part
Sfk (Schussfestigkeit) – gun shyness test
Wa.T. (Wassertest) – test for gun shyness at water, with retrieving a duck to the shore
BHP (Begleithundeprüfung), BHPS (erschwerte Begleithundeprüfung) – obedience tests for pet dogs
A dog unter 15 months of age will get the appendix “J” – for example, Sp/J means the dog completed the spurlaut test unter 15 months of age. All working tests (not the certificates!) have points and prizes (I, II, III). For details, you can access the whole rules and regulations here: Prüfungsordnung
GS (Gebrauchssieger) – German Working Champion
BSs (Bundessuchensieger) – Winner of the Bundessiegersuche, a very hard blood tracking test
IACH (Internationaler Arbeitschampion) – International Working Champion, according to FCI rules